Hey People.
I'm back blogging again.
I had a superb weekends u noe.
Wee, yesterday, I went to the IT fair at Suntec City. It was super crowded. But we just bear with the crowds. I cant believe that I am one of the kiasu who is crazy for that sale. Argh, who cares. My aunt bought Ink printer for herself. Good price indeed. For myself, I bought Sony W350 digital camera. I've got lots of freebies like, 8gb memory card, additional spare battery, screen protector, tripod stand and last but not least, a SONY DVD Player! Great isn't it???
Worth buying right???
After that, head to level 1 to exchange for NTUC vouchers at the Suntec City information counter. While waiting, I've bought a SUPER big Candy Floss for just $3. I loves CANDY FLOSS!!! There is a kid thingy in me. Hahaha. Cant believe that Im gonna turn 21 soon. Haiiz.
Me and the SUPER big candy Floss. =)
The Sony W350 Digital camera that I've bought & the freebies.

Today, went to visit my both my late granpa graveyard. I missed them, alot. How i wish they are still here with me. What to do. Allah loves them more.
"Semoga Allah cucuri Rahmat mu. Amin."
After that, went to Jurong Point for our lunch. Banquet! As per usual. =))
Then, went to John Little to get my L.A Girls Liquid Eyeliner. No pictures taken for that. But, for todays pictures. just view it in my facebook photo album ok.
Time check: 05.54pm
Need to shower and have a great rest.