Hello everyone.
I didnt manage to woke up for pre-dawn meal. Woke up late. Hurhur... Mama woke me up at 11.30am. She overslept too. Accompany her to the market (dry market pls) to get some crabs. I am craving for Chilli Crabs lar... Hehe.. Btw, had a very funny reactions at the market. Even the stallholder laughed at me. Wad to do... I am a supermarket girl wad... No wet market for me. Haiiyaa.... I am so happy after Mama got the crabs for me. Yeah..!
The crab before cooking. Hehehe!!
I help my mum in the kitchen. Haha. Im getting impatient to have my chilli crab actually. =)) At least, I've learnt a NEW recipe!! Yay!!! Below are pictures we had for break fast at Aunty Nora's Palace.
Chilli Crab! Yummy!!!
Hey hey!! I cooked Fried Kuay Teow too!!! It turn out well you noe!!! Superb delicious!!!! Wanna try??? Hehehe.. Come to my house for Raya. I shall cook for you.. Hehe...
My Fried Kuay Teow
Aunty Nora's family prepared a steamboat cum Bbq for dinner. I'm so loving it!! They bought Chicken Murtabak and Soup Tulang too. Aiyoo... So many food lah sey...
Steamboat cum Bbq ingredients, Chicken Murtabak and Soup Tulang
While preparing for dinner, Ifah and Abg Hijrah bake some cookies for Raya. Let me tell you this, it was SUPERB!!! Wanna order some??? Hahahaha.
See, they are busy baking.

While waiting for those cookies to bake, Aunty Nora was busy talking to me, till she forgot all about her cookies. Then, there goes her BURNT cookies!! Hahahaha!!!!! Luckily, the rest of the cookies were alright!!
The Burnt Cookies
Overall, I enjoyed my day today. Eh btw, friends, I've highlighted my hair. I am happy with it. I am so in love with my new hair. Yeah!!!
My new highlighted hair: Red Copper Brown
I am so so happy peeps!!!!
Ok, I need to sleep now. Tomorrow I have to work.....
Good night friends.
Labels: Chilli crab